Workshop brings together experts from various organizations in Manaus

Large mobilization of institutions and civil society is carried out to ensure effectiveness in emergency actions for Amazonian River dolphinsBy Mariana Gutiérrez, WWF-Brazil After a series of extreme weather events in the Amazon, between September and November 2023, which triggered the deaths of at least 330 Amazon river dolphins and tucuxis, a large team of […]
This is how nine countries in South America and Asia will try to save river dolphins

The death of 154 river dolphins in Lake Tefé, in the Brazilian Amazon, was a reminder of the urgency of protecting these endangered freshwater cetaceans. This happened at the end of September 2023, in the midst of an intense drought, when the lake located in the interior of the state of Amazonas experienced a critical […]
Colombia signs global pact to protect river dolphins: learn about the agreements

With Colombia as host country, 11 nations of the world signed the Global Declaration on River Dolphins. We tell you what the commitments are and what their importance is. Together with 10 other countries from South America and Asia, Colombia signed the Global Declaration on River Dolphins, a historic agreement that seeks to unite efforts […]
An Anaconda’s Play Date With Dolphins Took a Strange Turn

**Nota publicada originalmente en the New York Times Why were Solivian river dolphins swimming around with a large predatory snake in their mouths? “There are so many questions,” one researcher said. By Carolyn Wilke May2, 2022 In August 2021, a research team was documenting biodiversity near the Tijamuchi River in Bolivia when they saw sorne […]
Colombian Scientists Return to the Jungle a Year After the Pandemic’s Outbreak

– Expedition Guaviare 2021, which brought together 20 researchers from different universities and organizations, cruised 410 kilometers of the Guaviare river in the Amazon biome, with support from WWF and Omacha Foundation. -This is the first scientific expedition to analyze the abundance of river dolphins since the pandemic’s outbreak. -During the voyage, the researchers also […]
Satellite Monitoring for River Dolphin Conservation

In late February, WWF Colombia and Omacha Foundation led a scientific expedition to study the state of conservation of these species in the Guaviare river and install a new satellite transmitter on a pink dolphin. How does this process work and why is it so important? From space, many eye-like satellites observe the Earth. During […]
On World River Dolphin Day, WWF and Scientific Community Launch Interactive Online Platform to Support Conservation of Two of the Last Five River Dolphin Species on the Planet

The River Dolphin Dashboard gathers data from more than two decades of studies, coalescing information referring to populations of Amazon river dolphins and Tucuxi river dolphins distributed across several Amazonian countries and 47 thousand kilometers of rivers. The South American River Dolphins Initiative’s new tool aims to support researchers, companies and governments in decision-making and […]
International endorsement for a regional conservation management plan for river dolphins in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

The proposal presented by government commissioners from the four countries was reviewed by the International Whaling Commission last March 22. This plan aims to mitigate threats faced by river dolphins in the region and is a major milestone for the group of NGOs that make up the South American River Dolphin Initiative (SARDI). Still in 2020, the development of the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for river dolphins in the Amazon, […]
The results of the first river dolphins’ satellite monitoring in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Perú

More protection for the Amazon: Juruá River receives the title of Ramsar Site

By José Luiz Cerqueira* and Jorge Eduardo Dantas The Juruá River Basin, located in the area between the states of Acre and Amazonas, is the latest Brazilian region to receive the title of “Ramsar Site”. This title recognizes the ecological importance of the place, indicating that the existing protection measures must be enhanced and enlarged. At the same time, […]